Tax consulting tax litigation

Farama & Co’s General Tax Consulting Practice Group offers a wide spectrum of tax advisory services to clients in the area of corporate tax, income tax, state and local tax, indirect taxes and individual taxation.
In addition to our services in these

traditional areas, we have tax specialists who advise our clients on tax matters related to mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructurings and reorganizations, tax due diligence, cross-border transactions, international tax treaties, joint ventures, tax controversy, employee benefits plans, among others.  We also assist our clients in obtaining tax rulings in cases where provisions of the tax law are unsettled or ambiguous.
Our Group consists of Iran’s most experienced tax professionals, including attorneys, certified public accountants who have practiced in domestically  recognized top law and accounting firms, and industry experts, many of whom are certified tax accountants.  Our unique team of professionals is dedicated to helping our clients develop effective tax strategies that will minimize tax-related costs in today's competitive and fast-changing business environment.
Our General Tax Consulting Practice Group has assisted numerous overseas and domestic multinational companies on large mergers and acquisitions projects, including the preparation of due diligence reports on tax issues and exposure. We have also advised large overseas multinational companies on restructuring and reorganizations of their local operations to minimize tax liabilities and increase tax benefits in Iran.

We are experienced in:

-Providing legal support for foreign investors with respect to tax aspects of investment in Iran and development of an efficient corporate, finance and contractual framework for doing business in Iran;
-Providing ongoing advice to companies on a wide range of tax matters, performing tax audits to identify potential tax risks and reserves, mitigating the risks identified and collecting identified overpayments through administrative or judicial proceedings;
-Assisting our clients at all stages of cooperation with the tax authorities (representation before the tax authorities and courts, drafting of legal arguments, preparation of the requisite documents and evidence, suspension of additional charge collection through interim relief, legal support for VAT reimbursement, etc.);
-Acting for our clients during tax-related inspections conducted by law enforcement agencies;
-International tax structuring and support for M&A transactions and pre-sale restructuring, tax reviews of transaction documents; analysis and development of financing structures and bringing profits to the shareholders;
-Advice and legal assistance to companies with respect to use of investment tax benefits.
-Legal support for corporate clients on the tax aspects of corporate and contract structuring in construction, real estate investment, relationships and establishment and operation of unit investment funds;
-Tax assistance and representation of companies with respect to transfer pricing, including identification of controlled transactions, benchmarking, drafting of transfer pricing documents and notices of controlled transactions, as well as client representation before tax authorities and courts;
-Tax Disputes

Please contact us: Ms. Vesal Khazraei


What does foreign currency transfers mean base on Iranian law and regulation?

By foreign currency transfers, it means transfer of any amounts including the money emerged by foreign investment performance and/or other amounts which are transferred in foreign currency. These transfers specifically are included in two categories:
A: Capital transfer including dividends or capital profit, principle of capital, capital gains and the amounts of damage compensation resulting from removal of ownership and confiscation of foreign capital;
B: Other foreign currency transfers including all types of foreign currency transfers gained through invention patents, technical knowledge, technical and engineering aids, the trade names and signs contracts and similar contracts and agreements.

Are there any restrictions imposed on the amount of transferable funds to Iran?

No, the law has made no restrictions on the amount of transfer and frequency of transfers in each year.

What is the procedure of providing foreign currency for foreign currency transfer to Iran?

Providing foreign currency for hard currency transfer of investments will be made through purchasing foreign currency from bank system as per the case, from the foreign currency earned through exports or presenting investments services. In any events, procedure of providing foreign currency should be mentioned in the investment permit for the foreign currency transfers.
What are the Iranian legal formalities in foreign investments?
Essentially, any foreign currency transfer, including capital transfers and other will take place by official request of the foreign investor and/or the joint company/ investee firm by the foreign investor; and, all transfers will be payable in favor of foreign investor after making legal deductions.

If based on any particular regulations or the decisions of the Iranian government, the products of the project subject of investment are not allowed to be exported; in what manner the foreign currency for the profit and capital transfer will be achieved?

In exceptional cases when export is not allowed, the foreign investor can sell the products in local market, buy the foreign currency from banking system and transfer it accordingly. Obviously, the investor, if it intends, can export other authorized commodities as well.

Is it allowed for foreign investment to invest in oil and gas upstream fields?

In oil and gas upstream fields, foreign investment is merely allowed in the framework of contract arrangements; however, in downstream fields, direct foreign investment is allowed.

Is the export foreign investment allowed to hold bank accounts outside Iran?

It is allowed to open bank accounts outside Iran to maintain the exports revenues of the foreign investments; and its goal is enabling direct access of foreign investor to the foreign currency from exports to receive the dividends and other payments which should be made to it.

Mr. Vesal Khazraei

Office Tel: +98 9121023022

Bar Admissions
Professional Associations and Memberships
Farsi, English

Ms. Monireh Alavi

Office Tel: +98 9121023022

Bar Admissions
Tehran University, Faculty of Law 
Professional Associations and Memberships
Member of Iranian Bar Association
Farsi, English

          Tel: +989121023022