Oil & Gas

Farama & Co’s lawyers have substantial expertise with all aspects of the oil and gas sector. We have specific experience with conventional oil and gas properties, and have designed numerous processes

to purchase and sell upstream oil and gas assets over the years. In addition, we are highly experienced with midstream facilities including pipeline systems, upgraders, refineries, extraction facilities, LNG terminals and related infrastructure.

We have a broad outlook in the sector. Our lawyers are able to handle all legal aspects of a project from inception to completion, including:

    Obtaining or granting access to upstream acreage
    Developing upstream bid rounds
    Concluding oilfield service arrangements
    Production Sharing Agreements
    Assessing, implementing and financing field development
    Concession agreements
    Building and financing of pipelines
    Developing proactive environmental programs
  Developing and financing LNG projects, conventional and unconventional gas, and petrochemical projects, gas-to-liquids (GTL) facilities and marine transportation
    Growing and protecting intellectual property and brands
    Assessing the impact of regulatory developments  on all aspects of the industry
    Innovating new reserve-based financing approaches
    Securitizing producing assets
    Product marketing and sales
    Dispute resolution in every forum
    Full range of agreements with contractors and third parties, including EPC and other construction agreements
    Accessing debt and equity markets
    Developing and implementing tax efficient structures
    Completing strategic acquisitions and divestitures
    Joint venturing across the value chain

Our Energy Group works regularly with other lawyers in our firm to advise on the tax, environmental, corporate governance, employment and competition and foreign investment aspects of transactions involving participants in the energy sector.

Please contact us: Dr. Hamid Bagherzadeh


What is the meaning of transferring foreign currency base on Iranian Law?

It refers to transferring all type of funds including funds from foreign investment activities or other finds which are transferred in form of foreign currency. Such transfers are classified into two categories:
a. Transfer of capital that includes dividend or capital interest, principal capital, capital earning or reparation for expropriation or confiscation of foreign capital.
b. other foreign currency transfers including all foreign currency transfers including those resulting from patent contracts, technical know-how, technical and engineering assistance, trademarks and logos and similar contracts.

Are there restrictions in place with regard to amounts that can be transferred?

No, legally, there are no limitations for transferrable amounts or amount that can be transferred annually.

How is foreign currency supplied for foreign currency transfers?

The foreign currency supplied for foreign investment foreign currency transfers is carried out through purchases from the banking system and based on instance can be supplied from foreign currency earned from exports or providing investment services. At any rate, the method of foreign currency supply for transferring foreign currency is stated in the investment permit.

What formalities are involved in transfers related to foreign investors?

Basically, any form of foreign currency transfer whether capital transfer or other forms is done by official request from a foreign investor or a joint company/capital absorbing agency on behalf of a foreign investor and all transfers to a foreign investor can be conducted after legal deductions.

If due to particular laws or governmental decision exporting the products of the investment plan is prohibited in Iran, how will the foreign currency for transferring the revenue and capital be supplied?

In exceptional cases where export is prohibited, the investor can sell his/her/its products in the domestic market and purchase the foreign currency from the banking system and then transfer it. Obviously, if the investor can export other authorised goods if he/she/it wishes so.

Dr. Hamid Bagherzadeh

Office Tel: +98 9121023022

Senior Partner
Shahid Beheshti University, Faculty of Law
LLM, Private Law
Tehran University, Faculty of Law
Professional Associations and Memberships
Member of Iranian Bar Association
Visiting Professor at University of Tehran
Farsi, English

          Tel: +989121023022