Legal Opinions

Here in Farama & Co, we provide legal opinions in all areas of law and when there is a need the firm may call upon the expertise of other experts in rendering well-rounded advice to its clients such as tax and auditors experts in Iran.  On short notice, and with assistance of other professionals, we provide opinions which cover not only legal aspects, but

also other matters which are likely to affect our client’s business in Iran . Also On behalf of our Clients we analyze entities, real estate we also have experience in analyzing entire shopping centers. We conduct audits of compliance with corporate governance rules, procedures of Personal Data protection, compliance with Environmental Protection Standards, we analyze the possibility of obtaining ISO certificates and monitor changes in the regulations constituting the basis for its issuance. Providing our Clients with a sense of legal security is our main goal.

Please contact us: Mr. Yosef Samiei


What have been the objectives in establishing special economic zones in Iran?

Based on provisions of article 1 of the Act pertaining to the Establishment and Administration of Special Economic Zone, the objective in establishing those zones have been declared as: 1-Supporting economic activities, 2- Establishing international trading relations and economic agility in the region, production and processing goods, 3- Technology and know-how transfer, 4- Non-oil exports, 5- Job creation, absorption and encouraging local and foreign investments, 6- Re-export, foreign transit and transhipment

What essential roles the special zones play in the economic development in Iran?

Special economic zones play an important role in the increasing process of international trades across the world. In view of global economy, special economic zones and exports processing regions are considered important tools in policy setting goals of government for industrialization expansion, job creation and regional development.

What kinds of facilities and credits are offered in Free Zones?

1-Issuance of separated warehouse slips that can be traded, and issuance of certificate of origin for import and export goods, 2- Freedom in participation and investment for Iranian and foreign nationals. Import and exit of the cargo without customs duty and commercial interests payments for the purpose of processing, production, change, completion.... .Customs exemptions for importing cargoes made in the special zones for inside the country equal to the value added amounts. The possibility of exports, transit, transhipment and re-export of goods without any customs formalities. Securing foreign capitals and the profits they have earned. Freedom of capital entry to or exit from the zone. Freedom of entry and exit of foreign goods to and from all origins and destinations in the region. Possibility of processing and packaging cargoes for re-exports. Possibility of producing different types of industrial products that could be supplied in the Iranian markets or foreign countries. Possibility of importing a percent of products from the zone to the country without going into long formalities. Wholesale of goods in easy conditions.

Mr. Shahab Bahmani

Office Tel: +98 9121023022

Bar Admissions
Azad University, Faculty of Law
Professional Associations and Memberships
Member of Iranian Bar Association
Farsi, English

Mr. Yosef Samiei

Office Tel: +98 9121023022

Bar Admissions
Shahid Breheshti University, Faculty of Law 
Tehran Azad University, Faculty of Law 
Professional Associations and Memberships
Member of Iranian Bar Association
Farsi, English

          Tel: +989121023022