International Trade

Numerous issues arise in international trade and customs matters.  When clients seek our representation, Farama & Co assembles a customized team of expert attorneys who specialize in each client’s industry with expert professionals who specialize in international trade and customs, taxes, patents, and other relevant fields.

Such legal team designed for each client’s needs essentially provides a comprehensive one-stop service overseeing cases from commencement to resolution.

Farama & Co performs following legal services:
•    legal services in international trade
•    UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
•    compensation in Iran
•    vindication in Iran
•    mediation and alternative pre-judicial dispute resolution
•    litigation and arbitration
•    judicial execution of debts in Iran
•    representation and submitting of liabilities in bankruptcy proceedings
 Farama & Co offers comprehensive legal services for international enterprises, which work in cross-border trading, import and export of goods.
A team of English-speaking lawyers in our office in Tehran is distinguished not only by high-level international academic background including national laws as well as European law, but also by wide experience especially regarding Iran and Sharia’h Law.
Significant practical role in the international trade plays the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Its provisions are interpreted autonomously.

We treat every case individually and offer creative solutions suitable for our Clients’ needs, while advising and representing before courts and arbitration tribunals.
We offer wide range of services connected with international business. We deal with compensation and prejudicial debt collection cases in Iran. We represent our Clients in judicial as well as in arbitration proceedings. We conduct executive proceedings before courts and submit liabilities in bankruptcy proceedings.

Please contact us: Mr. Vandad Arian


Based on Iranian laws, what does Iranian firm and foreign firm means?

An Iranian firm is a company which is established according to the Trades Law; and also a company which is established and registered abroad; established and registered in Iran as well; even if one hundred percent of the stocks or shares equity of those companies belong to foreign natural persons or legal entities.

Is it possible to establish a legal base in Iran in form of a branch and representative/agent of a foreign firm?

Yes, any foreign company is allowed to establish a legal base in Iran through registering a branch and/or representative of the holding company in order to develop its trading and business affairs and to fulfil its contract duties, marketing activities; etc. There are particular regulations for establishing a branch or representative office and the applicants shall directly check with the General Department for the Registration of Corporations and Industrial Ownership.

Is the branch and representative/agency establishment regarded as a foreign investment?

Establishing branch and/or representative office is not considered as foreign investment. The foreign investor; however, can establish a new Iranian company, participate in an existing Iranian company and/or reach contract agreements with an Iranian investee firm.

What “Iranian Firm” means?

By term “Iranian Firm” it means, regardless of shareholders or stockholders nationalities, the company should have been established and registered according to the Trade Law of Iran.

Mr. Yosef Samiei

Office Tel: +98 9121023022

Bar Admissions
Shahid Breheshti University, Faculty of Law 
Tehran Azad University, Faculty of Law 
Professional Associations and Memberships
Member of Iranian Bar Association
Farsi, English

          Tel: +989121023022